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Safe handling of measurement data from JUMO devices with recording function

Target group:

Employees who are responsible for setting up data storage and archiving for JUMO devices with recording function and/or who are responsible for evaluating data (network administrators, QM employees, etc.).


After the seminar the participants will be able to safely handle the PC evaluation software PCA3000 and the PCA communication software PCC.


The seminar provides central basic principles and information on the transfer, archiving, and measurement data evaluation of the following JUMO products: JUMO LOGOSCREEN 601/700, JUMO DICON touch, JUMO IMAGO 500, JUMO AQUIS touch S/P, JUMO mTRON T.

  • Setup of the software components before the first loading of registered data via USB flash drive or interface
  • Safe handling of archives
  • Evaluation possibilities
  • Connection of the devices to Ethernet
  • Setting up a time-controlled data transfer with the JUMO PCC communication software
  • Use of the web server
  • Basic principles of data output with forms, use of standard forms
  • Practical session: extensive workshops with the evaluation and communication software

Please note: The configuration of the devices is not part of this seminar.


Basic technical knowledge.



Maximilian Wenderoth

Trainer Sensor and Automation Technology


Manfred Schleicher

Trainer Sensor and Automation Technology

Booking Number:

JK 706500

Title Format Date Length Location Price
Safe handling of measurement data from JUMO devices with recording function Exclusive training on request on request on request on request