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JUMO Cloud – connection with Modbus-capable devices

Target group:

Employees who want to connect Modbus-capable devices, such as the JUMO LOGOSCREEN 700, to the JUMO cloud.


AutomatisierenComplementing and building on the JUMO Cloud webinar - establishing a connection and visualizing initial values provides this webinar information and explains how devices that are Modbus-capable can be connected to the JUMO Cloud.

  • Configuration of the JUMO LOGOSCREEN 700
  • Configuration of the JUMO Cloud (data source, data connection and signals)
  • Visualization & control of a LOGOSCREEN batch in the JUMO Cloud


It is recommended to attend the webinar "JUMO Cloud - Establish connection and visualize first values" beforehand or to watch the recording.

Participation is free of charge and straightforward. All you need is a computer with an Internet connection and a phone or headset for the computer.



Maximilian Wenderoth

Trainer Sensor and Automation Technology

Title Format Date Length Location Price
JUMO Cloud – connection with Modbus-capable devices Webinar recording ¾ Hour free