Exact determination of compensated conductivity, TDS value, and concentration of lyes and acids with JUMO transmitters
Target group:
Employees who want to successfully measure compensated conductivity with
JUMO transmitters.
The webinar deals with the use of transmitters for the respective applications:
- Linear temperature compensation
- Temperature compensation "natural water"
- TDS operation, TDS factor, and customer specific table
- Concentration measurement
- Measuring range selection
Participation is free of charge and straightforward. All you need is a computer with an Internet
connection and a phone or headset for the computer.
Follow up trainings:
- Exclusive training Analytical measurement technology for practitioners
- Webinar recording Basic principles of conductive conductivity measurement
- Reference book Information on conductivity measurement
Manfred Schleicher
Trainer Sensor and Automation Technology
Exact determination of compensated conductivity, TDS value, and concentration of lyes and acids with JUMO transmitters | Webinar recording | ¾ Hour | free |