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JUMO variTRON 500 – Example use of the visu template for process technology – Part 1: commissioning and operation


The webinar shows an example of how to use a modified Visu template (configuration for the variTRON system) for three different types of plants.

  • Presentation of the types of plants: Chambers with temperature control, chambers with temperature and humidity control, chambers with temperature, humidity and CO2 control
  • Use of the same configuration for the different types of chambers
  • Operation of the system (incl. program management) for the different chamber types  

Part 2 shows how to configure the sample application.


Participation is free of charge and straightforward. All you need is a computer with an Internet connection and a phone or headset for the computer.

Follow up trainings:



Manfred Schleicher

Trainer Sensor and Automation Technology

Title Format Date Length Location Price
JUMO variTRON 500 – Example use of the visu template for process technology – Part 1: commissioning and operation Webinar recording 1 Hour free