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Special features when using the ST editor for the compact controller and indicator series JUMO diraTRON and JUMO diraVIEW

Target group:

Employees who want to add PLC functionality to the controllers and indicators.


The webinar presents programming examples and thereby shows the options when using the compact
controllers and indicators:

  • Influence on the setpoint value
  • Control of a display
  • Activate controller after positive edge for a certain time
  • Switch controller on and off with positive edge
  • Text display

For a better understanding the webinar "Basic principles of programming in the ST editor" should be
watched before participation.


Participation is free of charge and straightforward. All you need is a computer with an Internet
connection and a phone or headset for the computer.

Follow up trainings:



Manfred Schleicher

Trainer Sensor and Automation Technology

Title Format Date Length Location Price
Special features when using the ST editor for the compact controller and indicator series JUMO diraTRON and JUMO diraVIEW Webinar recording 1 Hour free