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Application of the AMS2750 directive based on a case study

Target group:

Technical personnel; operators of heat treatment systems, employees in the quality assurance department;
anyone supplying parts for the aviation or automotive industry which fall under the guidelines.


The webinar provides an overview of the introduction to the AMS2750 directive.

  • Explanation of tables and infographics
  • Case study (customer requires furnace calibration and correct intervals)
  • Questions about the case study (interactive communication with the participants)


Participation is free of charge and straightforward. All you need is a computer with an Internet
connection and a phone or headset for the computer.

Follow up trainings:



Christoph Bollgen

Market Segment Manager for Thermoprocess Technology

Title Format Date Length Location Price
Application of the AMS2750 directive based on a case study Webinar recording 1 Hour free