Basic principles of conductive conductivity measurement
Target group:
Employees who carry out conductivity measurements with conductive measuring cells and who
need practical information for this purpose.
The webinar conveys important practical basic principles about the startup of measuring chains for conductive conductivity.
- Applications
- Cell constant k and relative cell constant
- Wiring
- Temperature compensation and configuration of the transmitter
- Calibrating the relative cell constants
- Conductivity temperature dependency of liquid media
- Uncompensated and compensated conductivity
- Temperature coefficient of measurement solutions and their calibration
Participation is free of charge and straightforward. All you need is a computer with an Internet
connection and a phone or headset for the computer.
Follow up trainings:
- Exclusive training Analytical measurement technology for practitioners
- Reference book Information on conductivity measurement
Manfred Schleicher
Trainer Sensor and Automation Technology
Booking Number:
Basic principles of conductive conductivity measurement | Webinar recording | 1 Hour | free |