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JUMO IPC 300 – part 3: Commissioning the electronic transformer

Target group:

Employees who dimension the  IPC 300 with choke and filter and carry out commissioning.


  • Dimensioning (transformer, choke and line filter)
  • Wiring 
  • Example configuration via keyboard/display 
  • Functions of the IPC 300
  • Creation of a configuration for MoSi heating elements (e.g. KANTHAL® SUPER)
  • Creation of a configuration for SiC heating elements (e.g. KANTHAL® GLOBAR)


Participation is free of charge and straightforward. All you need is a computer with an Internet
connection and a phone or headset for the computer.

Follow up trainings:



Manfred Schleicher

Trainer Sensor and Automation Technology

Title Format Date Length Location Price
JUMO IPC 300 – part 3: Commissioning the electronic transformer Webinar recording 1 Hour free